Thursday, October 13, 2011

6 Causes of Sagging Neck Skin and 1 Solution That Works



There are multiplied reasons or causes for sagging neck hide.  Aging is not the only intuitional faculty for saggy skin around the neck territory.   Here are some other causes and the sort of you can do to get deliver of the problem.


1. Decreased Production of Collagen and Elastin Fibers


The hide's collagen and elastin fibers are like the springy in a pair of sweat pants or other clothing.  With constant stretching, they become not so much elastic.  Because of that, the visible form naturally produces new collagen and elastin fibers to put back the less elastic one.  The replacement process occurs on a regular basis throughout our youth, assuming we are in suitable health.  But as we age, the projection slows down.  As a result, the porter matrix of the skin because not so much elastic and starts to sag.  It is especially noticeable on the neck, simply on this account that of gravity.


2. Decreased Hyaluronic Acid Content


Hyaluronic pricking is another component that contributes to the hide's strength and firmness.  The footing present in the skin decreases through age, because of enzymes called hyaluronidaise.  The enzymes part down the hyaluronic acid.  In etc. to causing saggy neck skin, unmanly levels of hyaluronic acid play a role in wrinkles, jagged pigmentation and dark under eye circles.

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